To investigate an error and (if appropriate) submit it to MYOB for review, you will need to provide us with the replication steps, a screenshot of the error and the error trace log
So BusinessHub can investigate an error in MYOB Acumatica, and (if necessary) escalate it to MYOB, please send an email to BusinessHub Support that includes:
- A list of the actions you were completing in MYOB Acumatica prior to the error occurring.
- A screenshot of the error (including the URL of the MYOB Acumatica screen).
- The error trace log.
The first two items are self-explanatory. This article shows you how to submit the error trace log.
Disclaimer: This information about how to use MYOB Acumatica is of a general nature and is based on information supplied by MYOB. Screenshots are examples only, and any resemblance to real personal information is coincidental. Not to be relied on for legal, accounting or employment advice. BusinessHub accepts no responsibility for information contained on third party websites, even if referred to in this article.
How to submit an error trace log
- On the MYOB Acumatica screen where the error was encountered, in the top right-hand corner of the screen, go to Tools > Trace.
- A script trace of Last Requests to the MYOB Acumatica database will open. In the table, select the row with the Command that caused the error. On the right-hand pane, select EXPAND ALL.
- Select all the expanded information, including each Exception Type, Message and Stack Trace. Copy and paste it into an email to, in addition to the replication steps (your actions in the system that preceded the error) and a screenshot of the error.
If you have more questions, please contact BusinessHub's support desk on 1300 733 071 or raise a Support Case.