MyStaffInfo will cease to exist as of 11th October 2023
What should I do to ensure no information is lost
With the impending decommissioning of MyStaffInfo, it is important to understand what information will be available to the Payroll and can still be used.
The Decommissioning Day is expected to be on Wednesday, 11 October 2023, so the anticipated Final Day of availability is Tuesday 10th October.
This means that after this date, there will be no opportunity to download information from MSI for inclusion into the Payroll.
Businesshub strongly recommend:
- Synchronise your MSI often so as to capture any changes made on the MSI Website, including Approved Leave Requests.
- Advise all Managers to Approve or Deny any outstanding Leave Requests before COB on 10th October
- Ensure all Timesheet entries have been Approved AND Downloaded by COB on 10 October
- Once Downloaded, Leave Requests and Timesheet Entries can be imported into Payruns.
Is there anything else that can assist with reporting the final downloads
- The Dowloaded Timesheets will still be available in the MSI Console screen for review and import into Payruns.
This will generate the following Report - Downloaded Leave Requests can be previewed on the screen however the system does not allow this to be sent to a Report, Businesshub can make a Clarity Report available for a 1/2 Hr Consulting charge.
- Available Clarity Reports take the form of
- Leave
- Approved Leave
- Projected Leave
- Leave
What can be done to Replace MyStaffInfo Functionality
- There is no replacement to MyStaffIngfo, however transitioning to the Cloud Based Product can provide all of the functionality of MSI and more.
- In the short Term, Payslips can be Distributed via Email rather than MSI, check out our Knowledgebase articles for information, or simply call for assistance.
- Timesheets can be imported via Timetran however there is no Employee Time capturing functionality.
- Leave Requests can also be imported via Timetran files but again there is no Leave Request or approval process.