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System Reviews

We recommend our clients schedule a System Review twice each year to identify digital transformation opportunities as further enhancements to MYOB Advanced are released

Our goal is to help you use MYOB Advanced to become a connected business by connecting your people with the right information at the right time. 6-monthly System Reviews are one of the ways we seek to reach this goal together.

System Reviews which can focus on:

  • New Feature Deployment. Help you to deploy new or previously unimplemented MYOB Advanced features.
  • SWOT Review. Assess current and future usage of MYOB Advanced, including strengths, opportunities, and potential threats over the next 12 months.
  • Process Review. Streamline processes in MYOB Advanced using sidepanels, the workflow engine and business events to automate manual tasks..
  • Information Review. Assess if MYOB Advanced provides the necessary information for informed decision-making using segmentation, dashboards and reports.
  • Connected Business. Does your organisation prioritise meaningful connections between systems, data, and people? Success is defined by connecting the right people with the right information at the right time. Identify areas for improvement to achieve this vision.

System Review Scope and Fees

System Reviews are limited to a total of 3 hours, including a one hour meeting plus two hours of pre-meeting preparation and post-meeting reporting. One System Review per six months is included in our Premium Success Plans.  Otherwise, please allow 3 hours of Consulting Service time at the hourly rate applicable to your Success Plan. Meetings are usually conducted online.

Book your System Review Meeting

To book your System Review, please complete our System Review survey and you will then be emailed a booking link for a one-hour meeting with your BusinessHub Account Manager. 

Please complete our System Review Survey before your meeting.

If you do not receive your booking link email within 24 hours of completing the survey, please contact our Support Desk on 1300 733 071.