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  2. Workforce Management (WFM)
  3. WFM Management > Employees, Locations, Permissions

Creating Custom Permission Groups for Workforce Management (WFM)

In MYOB Workforce Management, you can create, edit and delete permission groups to control what your users can see and do.

It is strongly recommended that "View own employee profile" is given to all custom permission groups.

Disclaimer: This information about how to use MYOB Advanced is of a generic nature and is based on information supplied by MYOB. Not to be relied on for legal, accounting or employment advice. Data in screenshots is fictional and any resemblance to real personal information is coincidental. BusinessHub makes no warranties in relation to and is not responsible for information contained in third party websites.

Managing permission groups

Creating or editing a permission group

  1. Go to Management > Settings > Manage Permissions.
  2. Click Add new at the top-left to create a new group, or Edit in the right column to update an existing one. The Permission Group window will open.
  3. Enter a name and description for the group.

  4. Select the boxes for the all the functions you want this group to have access to:

  5. Click Save to complete the changes.

Deleting a permission group

  1. Before deleting a permission group, make sure it's not assigned to any employees:
    • To see which permission groups are assigned to users, go to Management > Employees, click the table icon at the top-right, and delect the Permission Group column to add it to your view.
    • To remove the permission group, click the edit button and go to the Location Access tab. If it's the user's only permission group you'll need to replace it with another one.
  2. Go to Management > Settings > Manage Permissions.
  3. Click the Edit in the right column of the permission you want to delete. The Permission Group window will open.
  4. Click Delete at the bottom of the list.
 If you get an "Internal server error" message when deleting a permission group, it means it's still assigned to one or more employees. Go back to Management > Employees to double check.


If you have more questions, please contact BusinessHub's support desk on 1300 733 071 or raise a Support Case.